Tequila is an alcoholic beverage that comes from a specified area ("Denominación de Origen"). It is made exclusively from the hearts of the blue “weber” agave in the dry highlands of central Mexico. 100% Agave Tequila is distilled only from 100% pure fermented Agave must and may not contain additional ingredients. These quality standards are closely monitored in Mexico. The interest in these high quality Tequilas is ongoing and their milder taste finds increasingly more and more followers and connoisseurs. The starting distillate, known as Tequila Blanco or Tequila Silver, is always clear and it is bottled directly after distillation. The different sorts of tequila develop by aging TEQUILA BLANCO 100% agave, in oak barrels, for a definite amount of time. Tequila Reposado is aged for at least 2 months but not more than 1 year. Tequila Añejo is aged for at least 1 year up to a maximum of 3 years and Tequila Extra Añejo must be aged for at least 3 years.
At Mex-Al you can buy a selected range of high quality authentic 100% Agave Tequilas; a selection that can satisfy even the most demanding palate.
Tequila is an alcoholic beverage that comes from a specified area ("Denominación de Origen"). It is made exclusively from the hearts of the blue “weber” agave in the dry highlands of central...
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Tequila is an alcoholic beverage that comes from a specified area ("Denominación de Origen"). It is made exclusively from the hearts of the blue “weber” agave in the dry highlands of central Mexico. 100% Agave Tequila is distilled only from 100% pure fermented Agave must and may not contain additional ingredients. These quality standards are closely monitored in Mexico. The interest in these high quality Tequilas is ongoing and their milder taste finds increasingly more and more followers and connoisseurs. The starting distillate, known as Tequila Blanco or Tequila Silver, is always clear and it is bottled directly after distillation. The different sorts of tequila develop by aging TEQUILA BLANCO 100% agave, in oak barrels, for a definite amount of time. Tequila Reposado is aged for at least 2 months but not more than 1 year. Tequila Añejo is aged for at least 1 year up to a maximum of 3 years and Tequila Extra Añejo must be aged for at least 3 years.
At Mex-Al you can buy a selected range of high quality authentic 100% Agave Tequilas; a selection that can satisfy even the most demanding palate.